New election process: vote by list, instead of by district.
In contrast to previous years, this year new representatives will be elected by list for the first time. This means that elections will no longer be held for each electoral district, but rather from a single list developed by the election committee. At least three candidate slots will be available to each Business Unit.
The advantage of a list election is that there will be more balance in the future in the way the different Business Units are represented in the representative assembly than there has been in the past.
The electoral regulations require that one representative be elected for every 30 EK members. There are also a fixed number of deputy representatives, currently around 12. This means that 65 representatives and 12 deputy representatives will be up for election on the list.
The 12-person electoral committee, which is obligated to properly organise and carry out the entire election process, has already been formed by nominating seven representatives from among the members during the regular representative assembly meeting on 25/04/2023. The electoral committee had its first meeting on 24/05/203.
The Chair of the Electoral Committee is our Supervisory Board Chair Hannes Versloot. Imke Janneck was elected Deputy Electoral Committee Chair.
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