Co-creators wanted!
Elections are held for the EK representative assembly every four years. The next elections are coming up in September 2023.
Exercise your right to vote as a member of the EK cooperative, or stand for office as a representative yourself!
As a representative, you will be part of the highest decision-making body, and serve as a key link between EK headquarters and all associated retailers.
Take advantage of this opportunity to discuss strategic topics, take on responsibility for the well-being of the overall group, and represent the different industries and types of companies.
Election dates
Hoevelaken, EK Retail:
15/09/2023 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM,
on the business premises of EK Retail, Koninginneweg 1, Hoevelaken/Netherlands
Bielefeld, EK/servicegroup eG:
20/09/2023 from 09:30 AM to 6:00 PM,
21/09/2023 from 09:30 AM to 3:00 PM,
on the business premises of EK/servicegroup eG, Elpke 109, 33605 Bielefeld
What is the representative assembly?
The representative assembly is the highest decision-making body within our cooperative association, and the most important link between members and the central office.
Duties and rights of the representatives.
All of EK’s key strategic decisions are discussed and jointly decided on in the representative assembly.
New election process:
vote by list, instead of by district.
This year, new representatives will be elected by list for the first time.
Als Mitglied der Vertreterversammlung kann ich nicht nur die EK mitgestalten, sondern auch von anderen lernen und mein Netzwerk erweitern. Mehr Frauen in den Gremien finde ich wichtig, zeitgemäß und sinnvoll! Ich selbst bin schon seit 6 Jahren dabei.
Ich bin der Meinung, dass eine Verbundgruppe nur erfolgreich sein kann, wenn sich ihre Mitglieder aktiv einbringen. Deshalb bin ich seit 4 Jahren Mitglied der Vertreterversammlung.
Ich bin seit 2007 Mitglied in der EK Vertreterversammlung. Was mich an diesem Amt besonders reizt, ist der direkte Austausch mit dem EK Vorstand. Das zeigt mir, dass der genossenschaftliche Gedanke bei der EK weiterhin funktioniert und dass sich das Handeln an den Bedürfnissen der Mitglieder ausrichtet.
Ich bin seit 4 Jahren Mitglied der Vertretersammlung. “Einzelhändler handeln einzeln”, hört man häufig. In der Vertreterversammlung kann ich gemeinsam mit anderen Mitgliedern Leistungen auf den Weg bringen, von denen jeder einzelne EK Händler profitiert.
Stand for office, vote, get informed.
Who may stand for office?
To stand for office as a representative, you must fulfil the following requirements:
- You are an EK member or intercompany representative of the member company
- You are less than 67 years of age (at the time of the election by the last voting deadline on 21/09/2023)
Representative candidates will be nominated by the Business Units and the members themselves. Of course, you can also register as a candidate yourself.
If you would like to nominate a candidate for the office of representative, report your nomination to the electoral committee and get in touch with Judith Josupeit.
For organisational reasons, nominations for the list can only be accepted through 09/08/2023.
Tel.: +49 521 2092-451 or
Who is entitled to vote?
All full members of EK and investing members are entitled to vote.
Request absentee voting documents.
If you are not able to take part in our election days in Bielefeld (Germany) or Hoevelaken (the Netherlands), you can also cast an absentee ballot.
Request absentee voting documents
The link to request absentee voting documents will be active after 01/09/2023. .
Please return your absentee ballot form to us promptly by 21/09/2023 to EK Germany.
Election information
Articles of Association
Electoral procedure
Election list
The election is over.
Election results
Do you have questions?
Your contact persons for different topics:
Duties and rights of representatives:
Daniel Kullmann
Tel.: +49 521 2092-234
Election process and law:
Judith Josupeit
Tel.: +49 521 2092-451
Absentee voting:
Judith Josupeit
Tel.: +49 521 2092-451